About Me

What do you mean, socialize?

I am a writer. I am currently working on my MFA in Creative Writing at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, PA. I want to work in publishing, but I’d be happy to sell this novel I’ve been working on for school and become world-renowned for my Superhero/Fae/Noir brilliance.

Who does this guy think he is?

In the last twenty years, I have been an Army musician, a fruit arranger, a delivery driver, a craft retailer, a crochet instructor, a student, a wife, and a mother. I also bake, especially if I’m trying to make friends. Or I’m stressed. Or I’m bored. Or I watched too many cooking videos on YouTube.

My favorite authors are JRR Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Christopher Moore, Robin McKinley, Patricia Briggs, John Green, and many more. I’m in love with superheroes, fairy tales, urban fantasy, the MCU, arguing about the DCEU, and dissecting what makes something good in different media. I love listening to audiobooks, especially historical non-fiction and my favorite fiction authors. I also love going to book signings/readings.

What do I write? Whatever I want. In this blog, there are a lot of angry rants. There is swearing. A lot of swearing. There are also short stories and episodes from a superhero universe I’ve been writing in for fifteen years. Currently, I am writing a novel about a guy named Dodger who works for the government to police people with fae bloodlines. There are superheroes. There are explosions. There are people who burst into flame. And none of that is on this blog, so you’ll just have to wait until it’s published.

I love my husband and my kid and my cats and my books. One day, you’ll love my books, too.

Of course I’m not standing on anything.

9 responses to “About Me

  1. Mom

    soooooo. Write something!

  2. 508

    Looking forward to you writing! I’ve been a fan of yours for a while!

  3. Also looking forward to reading your work!

  4. oddly enough, i’m subscribed but i don’t get any notices of updates.

  5. goerungirl

    I clicked over here looking for your most recent blog post but this about me! Girl, you better put me that movie! LOL

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